Sunday, September 23, 2007

php interview questions and answers

Why do we get error "Call to undefined function: ora_logon()/ ocilogon()"?

PHP is not using the correct extension module. Try compiling PHP with the following options:



On Windows systems one can just uncomment the following lines in the php.ini file:

;extension = php_oci8.dll

;extension = php_oracle.dll

How does one SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE data from PHP?

The following example demonstrates how data can be SELECTed and manipulated via INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements:

$c=OCILogon("scott", "tiger", "orcl");

if ( ! $c ) {

echo "Unable to connect: " . var_dump( OCIError() );



// Drop old table...

$s = OCIParse($c, "drop table tab1");

OCIExecute($s, OCI_DEFAULT);

// Create new table...

$s = OCIParse($c, "create table tab1 (col1 number, col2 varchar2(30))");

OCIExecute($s, OCI_DEFAULT);

// Insert data into table...

$s = OCIParse($c, "insert into tab1 values (1, 'Frank')");

OCIExecute($s, OCI_DEFAULT);

// Insert data using bind variables...

$var1 = 2;

$var2 = "Scott";

$s = OCIParse($c, "insert into tab1 values (:bind1, :bind2)");

OCIBindByName($s, ":bind1", $var1);

OCIBindByName($s, ":bind2", $var2);

OCIExecute($s, OCI_DEFAULT);

// Select Data...

$s = OCIParse($c, "select * from tab1");

OCIExecute($s, OCI_DEFAULT);

while (OCIFetch($s)) {

echo "COL1=" . ociresult($s, "COL1") .

", COL2=" . ociresult($s, "COL2") . "\n";


// Commit to save changes...


// Logoff from Oracle...



How are database transactions handled in PHP?

When using the OCI Extension Module, PHP will commit whenever ociexecute() returns successfully. One can control this behaviour by specifying OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS (the default) or OCI_DEFAULT as the second parameter to the ociexecute() function call. OCI_DEFAULT can be used to prevent statements from being auto-committed. The OCICommit() and OCIRollback() functions can then be used to control the transaction.

Note that when OCI_DEFAULT is used on any statement handle, it is inherited by the other statement handles for the connection. You cannot use a mix of autocommit/explicit commit on the same connection handle. If you want to do that you need to use ociNLogon() to get a separate handle.

The ORA Extension Module supports an autocommit mode. Use the ORA_CommitOn() and ORA_CommitOff() functions to toggle between autocommit mode and normal mode. When in normal mode (ORA_CommitOff), one can use the ORA_Commit() and ORA_Rollback() functions to control transactions.

If one doesn't commit or rollback at the end of a script, PHP will do an implicit commit. This is consistent with the way SQL*Plus works.

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